21 Essential Commands to Teach Your Dog

Having a balanced dog and a trained one is a different thing. However, if you have a dog that has a little knowledge about the basic training dog commands, it can be helpful for you to tackle the behavior problems of your dog, This could be the one that exists already or the one that can appear in the future.

The question is, where and how to start the basic training commands of your dogs? What are the essential commands that you can teach to your dog?

dog training commands to teach dog

This article will give you 21 essential dog commands that you can train to your dog, and your dog will probably love them.

Training your dog with some basic dog commands can be stressful for those who are first-timers. You and your dog can either take a training class for dogs or do it all by yourself.

However, taking a training class for dogs might not be necessary. If you train your dog with the right attitude that will suit both of you, I am sure that you and your dog will enjoy training and doing the basic dog training commands.

The following are the 21 essential commands that you can teach to your balanced dog.

1. “Sit” Training Dog Command

Training your dog on how to sit is one of the most common basic dog training commands. This type of training command is also considered as the obedience command.

So if you want to train your dog with this type of obedient command, it will be good for you and your dog if you will start with the following;

The first step to train your dog on how to sit is to give him or her some treat like biscuits near to the nose of your dog.

This will make your dog to smell the treat that you will probably give to him or her after he or she does the command.

Second, Move your Hands Up and Down. This second step will allow the head of your dog to follow the treat in your hands that will cause him to lower his bottom.

When your dog is now in the position of sitting, say the word “Sit” and let him or her enjoy the treat that you gave.

For him to be able to feel that he or she is important, give him or her the sign of your affection.

Do this training command with your dog simultaneously until he or she already mastered the command. After that, command your dog to sit whenever and wherever you want to make him calm.

You can also command your dog to sit before and after mealtime, or you want to leave him or her for walks.

Read ArticleDog Obedience Training Tips You Need To Know

2. “Down” Training Command

train dog to down command

This how to go down training command is considered as a little bit difficult dog training command. Want to know why?

It is because the down position is in the submissive posture. You can train the anxious or fearful kind of dogs with this kind of Dog training command to make them feel relaxed and calm.

You can start training your dog with this position on having a treat inside your fist that has a pleasant smell for them.

Go your closed fist to the snout of your dog.

When you see that your dog already smell it, let your closed fist go to the floor and let your dog follow it.

After that, in front of your dog make your closed fist slide into the ground, by sliding your hands, your dog will encourage to follow his head while moving his body.

When he is now already in the down position, say the word “Down” and give him the sign of your affection while giving his reward.

Your dog will master this training command if you train him every day. If your dog tries to reach your hand or tries to go up, take away your hands and say “No.”

Do not ever try to push your dog in this kind of position, unless you give him courage through training him to step by step until he mastered the position you want.

3. “Come” Training Dog Command

“Come” dog training command will keep your dog away from trouble. You can also easily bring your dog back to you in case you leave your door open, or you accidentally lose the leash of your dog.

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To do this training command, simply put a collar or a leash on your dog’s neck. When your head is now leveled on your dog’s head, say the word “Come” and pull the leash of your dog gently.

Your dog is already toward you, give him some treat as his reward. When your dog mastered this command, you can now remove the leash and try to train your dog in the enclosed area where both of you is safe.

4. “Ignore It” Training Command

This kind of training will ensure the safety of your dog when he becomes curious about a particular thing.

For instance, this training command will keep your dog safe from the intriguing smell of anything that he saw on the ground.

Your primary goal here is to train your dog to leave the interesting item alone and do not even try to bring it at home.

You can do this command by having some treat in your closed fist and let your dog smell, lick, or bark the item that he wants to get.

Once your dog stops getting the item inside your hand, reward him inside your other hand. Repeat this training steps until he ignores the item on your first fist every time you say the word “Leave it.”

5. “Stay” Dog Training Command

train dog to stay command

Before you train your dog with this command, make sure that he or she already mastered that How to sit training command.

To do this command, make your dog be in the sitting position, and open your hand in front of him and say the word “Stay.”

Take some steps backward. If he stays in his position, give him some treatment. Gradually take more steps away before you provide a reward for your dog.

This training command will be the self-control exercise to your dog. Do not lose courage if your dog takes some time on mastering the command.

Take note that dogs probably want to move rather than staying and sitting.

6. “Heel” Training Command

You can teach your dog this heel training command through holding the leash of your dog in the left side of your hand and pulling it gently on the right side of your hand while both of you are walking.

Moreover, with some situations, you can also command your dog to take the sitting position. You should also keep the treat in your right hand and say the word “Heel” with your voice in a positive tone.

After that, take some steps while holding the reward by your side. At that time, you can now take a break and take the treat upward, and your dog will probably sit.

After that, you can now give your treat to him to let him know that he is doing the command better.

7. Take it or Drop it Dog Commands

You can teach your dog this kind of command through keeping a certain thing that has a value to your dog inside the palm of your hand. This will provoke your dog to grab the thing.

When the time comes that your dog opens his mouth to make him catch the object, you should say the word “Take it.”

By giving your dog a reward or a treat, he will know the right thing that he must obey.

When your dog is enjoying playing with that thing, give him the same object as the first one that your dog is playing.

The dog will automatically drop the first object to grab the second object that is also valuable to him.

The time when your dog drops the object, say the word “Drop it” and when he opens his mouth again to grab the identical object, say the word “Take it.”

8. Place, Bed or Crate Training Command

crate training your dog

You can train your dog with this place, bed or crate training command by leashing your dog. It would be best if you held your dog’s leash in your first hand and the reward in your second hand.

Gently guiding your dog by pulling the leash and the reward inside your hand will make your dog provoke to move along the certain place that you want your dog to stay. It might be a crate, a blanket, a bed or a carpet.

When your dog is now inside a certain place, you may now say the word “Command” and give him his reward.

If you want to release your dog in that area, gently grab his leash and say the word “Brake” or “Okay.”

This command is crucial for both of you for it will tell your dog to stay wherever you want.

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You can also use the words “Your Crate,” “Your Bed,” or “Your Blanket” in replacement of the word “Place.”

9. Settle Down Training Command

You can teach your dog with this settle down training command through holding a reward on your first hand and a clicker on your second hand.

Place a basket, crate, small carpet or a blanket a few steps away from your position and gently pull the flicker of your dog to go in that place.

Moreover, when your dog already gets in that place, give him the command to “Settle Down.” and give him his reward inside the place where he is.

Rewarding him will make him thinks that he is doing his job properly. To make your dog come back to you, give him a command of “Brake” or “Okay.”

Continuously repeat this kind of training command until your dog already mastered the command.

This kind of training command is known to calm down your dogs, settled your dog in a particular face and made him feel relaxed.

This command is handy to those pet owners who are trying to do the household choirs or having a talk with the surprise visitors, that has hyperactive dogs.

10. “No” Dog Command

You can teach your dog with this ‘No’ training command through placing some treats on the ground and keep the leash of your dog in your hands while he is moving towards the treat.

When your dog temps to get or grab the treat, it is time for you to say the word “NO” to your dog and gently pull the leash of your dog towards you.

When he is already in front of you, give him the reward or the treat that was placed in your second hand and say the word “Yes.”

After that, show him the affection and love that they want. For your dog be able to master the ‘No’ training command, exercise the said command every day.

This is a type of command that is very important for both of you because your dog will be kept away from his improper behaviors that might happen on the street while you are walking.

11. “Stand” Training Command

train dog to stand command

You can train your dog by this Stand Training Command through giving your dog a command to sit and giving him a reward or a treat that was placed inside your hands.

The hand that has the treat or the reward will be put near the nose of your dog and move it downward and forward. When your hand is in the lower position, the dog will also be at the lower level.

After that, you should also move your hand with the treat more forward that will lead the dog to be in the standing position when his mouth follows your hand.

This is also the time for you to say the word “Stand” and reward him as a treat for doing a great job. Also, show him a sign of your affection.

This kind of training command should be repeated numerous times every day until your dog already mastered the command.

12. “Out” Dog Training Command

You can train your dog with this Out training command through letting your dog have his favorite thing- for instance, a toy inside his mouth.

Then after that, keep and grab the favorite thing of your dog against your body.

This will provoke your dog to keep the thing inside his mouth, but if you continuously pull the thing towards your body, your dog will eventually release the thing.

This is the time for you to give back the toy to your dog and begin the same game.

When your dog doesn’t have the interest in holding back the toy anymore, it is the time for you to say the word “Out” as his command.

If you want your dog to master the training command as soon as possible, train your dog daily, it will give your dog the knowledge about the purpose of the training command.

Give him some rewards every time he is doing the right job.

13. “Watch Me” Training Command

You can teach this Watch me Training Command to your dog through keeping a direct eye to eye connection with your dog.

You can do this step with a treat that was placed inside your hand and moving the first hand from the nose of the dog towards your face. This will bring the dog to watch you as he follows the treat inside your palm.

When he watches and listens to you while doing this step, say the word “Watch Me” while giving him his reward.

You should also repeat this kind of training command continuously until your dog mastered the command.

Take note that avoiding the rewards that can distract the focus of your dog while practicing the command can be helpful for you and your dog to mastering the training command easily.

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14. Dog’s Name Training Command

You can teach your dog with this Dog’s name training command through ignoring your dog until he directly looks at your eyes. After that, you can now click and treat.

Repeat this exercise numerous times and add the name of your dog before you proceed to the click and treat. Repeat this exercise several times until your dog looks at you every time you call his name.

15. Eliminate On Training Command

Eliminate on Training Command is one of the useful commands that you can teach to your dogs. To do this command, you should have first a specific place in your house to make an easier clean-up.

Wait a few minutes until your dog finished cleaning. After that, reward him. Do this exercise every time with a command word such as “Park” or “Find a Good Spot.”

Be a consistent owner. The reward that you will give to your dog will always depend upon the accomplishment he made.

16. “Bring it” Training Command

train dog to take it command

You can teach your dog with this. Bring it training command by telling your dog to have a specific thing using the word “Take it” as his command.

When your dog already has a thing such as a toy, encourage him to come near you with a few steps. Give him a treat if he brings the toy to you.

It would be best if you continuously repeated this cycle until your dog brings a certain thing to you without further prompting. Use the word “Bring it” every time he brings you a thing.

To test your dog if he already mastered the command, put the thing on the ground and walk towards your house, command your dog to “Take it and Bring it.” if your dog obeys your command, reward him.

17. “Leap” Training Command

Leap Training Command is considered as one of the most practical dogs training commands.

To conduct this type of training command, you have to command your dog to sit down while you are searching for a stick that will be placed on the ground.

Call your dog to cross the stick. When he properly cross at the stick, give him some treats.

Repeat this exercise a few more time and gradually add the height of the stick. When he passed the stick again give him another treat.

When he mastered crossing the stick, add some height on the stick. While your dog is jumping over the stick, say the word “Leap” as his word command. Every time he properly crossed the stick, always give him a jackpot!

18. Bell Training Command

This Bell Training Command is a useful kind of trick that you can teach to your dog. Your house puppies are suitable to be trained with this kind of training command.

To do this Bell training command, have a training stick that you will use to target the bell of your door. When your dog touches the bell every time, you target it, reward him.

When your dog touches the bell himself, please give him a bigger reward.

Every time that you will bring your dog outside to have a walk, command him to touch the bell first. The treat that will be given to him is the opening of the door.

19. Jumping through a Hook Training Command

To teach your dog this Jumping through as hook training command, place a hook on the ground and reward your dog every time he approaches the hook.

Have some help with your friend that will hold the hoop. Call the name of your dog and let him approach the hoop.

Add some height to the hoop and command the dog to ”Leap” and give him a jackpot if he leaped and passed through the hoop.

20. “Spin” Training Command

You can teach your dog with this Spin Training Command through having a stick that is in a circular motion. Your dog will follow the edge of the stick. Give him some treats if he made the command correctly.

Continuously do this training. You can also use your index finger as the replacement of the stick. Practice this command daily until your dog mastered it.

Don’t forget to give him some treats!

21. “Speak” Training Command

You can teach your dog with this Speak training command by making your dog to bark. For instance, if your dog barks every time he hears the bell, then you can use the bell to make your dog bark.

As he barks, say the word “Speak” and give him some treats. After the continuous exercise of this command, give him a jackpot if he barks every time you say the word command.

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1 thought on “21 Essential Commands to Teach Your Dog”

  1. I agree that having your dog come when you call would be a good thing to teach them. I would think that would help prevent them from doing things like running away after a squirrel or something like that. if I decide to get a puppy for my kids, I’ll have to take it to be trained to do things like that.


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