What Are the 10 Biggest Dog Myths?

Being the first animal to be tamed and having sincerely stuck around since then, dogs are among our closest animal friends.

The level of intimacy and the strong bond the human race has enjoyed with dogs has led to extensive research and studies about them.

These have, in turn, fed all the knowledge we have about our pets.

However, some common myths about dogs have prevailed for ages.

These have quickly made their way into our minds.

We have taken them up with so much confidence that anybody who tries to counter us leaves us frantically looking for the right information on the internet or in pet books. 

biggest dog myths

When it comes to dog myths, we must remain receptive to them being broken and update ourselves with the right knowledge about our pets.

At any cost, we must know the difference between scientifically proven facts and myths.

These unchallenged myths could lead to an improper understanding of our pet’s behavior.

We might also end up passing useless advice to other dog owners.

So, it is important to take a look at some of the most popular dog myths that have been around the corner.

Here are the ten biggest myths that have made it to our list:

1. Dogs do not see colors

biggest dog myths

For ages, people have been passing this belief around. This belief ends up assuming that dogs are color blind i.e., they see their world in black and white.

However, this belief is completely false as our pets are very capable of colored vision.

Studies do prove that due to the presence of the number of cones, dog vision is more inclined towards the blue side of the color spectrum.

Although they might fail at the perception of certain colors, dogs are certainly not color blind. 

The origin of this myth is difficult to trace. Old science did bring it into the picture, but it is time we shrug the myth off with advancing science.

Documentaries on dogs help you understand dog vision abilities better.

You can also learn which colors are dogs more receptive to by reading more about dog vision dynamics.

2. Warm nose, Dry nose

While there isn’t complete denial of the fact that a chronically dry or chipped nose can be a sign of an underlying health problem, it should be noted that this isn’t always the case.

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Dogs could have dry noses or wet noses at several other hours without any special meaning being attached to them.

So, you do not need to take this into account seriously every single moment when trying to predict your dog’s health. 

Ages ago, the prevalence of the canine distemper virus led to this theory being put into use.

As said, it has to prove to be a spot of bother only if you repeatedly spot a dry nose. 

3. Tail wagging reflects happiness

Yes, your dog indeed wags its tail to show you it is happy upon your arrival.

Tail wagging does convey a lot of other emotions, and it cannot always be connected to happiness.

It can also be indicative of complex emotions like anxiety or fear. So, you mustn’t take tail wagging for happiness at all times.

Being the first thing we know about a dog, it is rather difficult to get rid of this myth.

To best determine the reason for tail wagging, it is suggested that you should consider the complete body language of your dog.

4. Dog years can be measured based on human years

biggest dog myths

One of the biggest dog myths that we seem not to get rid of is this one. All of us seem to be very keen on the belief that dog age can be compared to human years.

Talks like “one dog year are equal to seven human years” keep doing the rounds. However, this is not true.

The theory possibly came into existence by measuring the average human life span and the average dog life span while trying to strike a comparison between the two.

However, there is no scientific veracity attached to it. Every species has its growth rate.

Comparison is always possible but growth cycles cannot be compared as they tend to assume independent rates. 

5. Raw meat serves as a good diet

Raw meat can indeed make for a good diet component. However, you need to put your attention to the word “component” here.

Giving only raw meat to your dog can deprive him of certain essential nutrients he needs.

So, raw meat alone might not be the best diet plan at hand.

At the same time, it is perfectly healthy to treat your dog with raw meat frequently if it seems to have an appetite for it.

More often than not, taking good note of your dog’s eating habits will keep you informed about its likes and dislikes.

You must put forward a balanced diet for your dog. 

If possible, do bring in new treats now and then for your dog might end up liking it. Following a typical and bland routine is not recommended.

In any case, you must take care of food items that are not good for your dog as not all human food is healthy for dogs .

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6. Dog parks are healthy spaces

Dog parks can prove to be just the fun space you hit to please your dog. They are indeed welcoming and lucrative spaces for you to consider.

However, there are dangers that our unaware mind might shoo away. In a space that witnesses such extended presence of dogs, fleas, ticks, and worms might be lurking just around the corner.

These can be passed on from one dog to another. They also remain in dog residues found in dog parks.

So, although dog parks are a cheerful idea, hygiene and health do not put up their best face when it comes to them. 

Sometimes dogs might even get in close contact with other dogs. This contact could be both affectionate or hostile.

However, in any case, the transmission of diseases or falling prey to injuries is a possibility for your dog.

Therefore, owners need to be careful around dog parks to keep your dog free from potential diseases.

A good bath and grooming routine, along with planned visits to the doctor are good ideas to keep your dog healthy. 

biggest dog myths

7. Females dogs should not be spayed before having one litter

Getting a pet naturally drags topics like neutering and spaying to your head.

Spaying can help control the population increase if you do not desire puppies from your dog in the future.

However, it isn’t necessary to let your female dog breed once before spaying her. It is okay to choose not to spay your dog, or spay it when you want.

In any case, letting it breed once before spaying is no rule of thumb. Your dog will not realize the vitality of having babies or harbor a wish to have them.

So, the choice you make is yours to make. If you want your dog to indulge inbreeding, there is nothing wrong with that either.

It is high time we let myths slip and put our minds to the discernment of the right facts.

8. Label instructions make for a good feeding plan

Although you might need label instructions to help understand how you should feed your dog, they do not necessarily make for the best feeding plan.

Your dog needs a lot more than label instructions. The correct feeding pattern for your dog can only be constructed by a thoughtful owner who pays attention to the dog’s activities and needs.

An overactive dog may require a little more than the amount of food the label suggests.

However, on days when your dog is not in the best of spirits or is sick, it might not consume the usual quantity of food.

You need to understand that such behavior is alright as long as it is reported occasionally.

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However, in case of prolonged loss of appetite, you must see a doctor. Breaking the label instruction myth requires us to say that the label must not act as your supreme commander.

Specific needs of the dog should be taken into account, and its diet must be taken care of accordingly.

If you are in heavy doubt about what is right for your dog and whatnot, it is best to consult your vet before making changes to the diet plan. 

9. Dogs eat grass when they get sad

The myth that dogs eat grass when they get sad or when they want to vomit is false too.

However, what is true is the fact that dogs might vomit after eating grass due to lack of digestion.

This does not mean that your dog intentionally chomped on the grass. It simply means that it engaged in the activity because it possibly liked it or out of idleness.

Also, old dogs do not consume grass or go out in the open before they are about to take their last breath.

Grass eating has nothing to do with the intention of puke or sadness. 

biggest dog myths

10. Dogs have a clean mouth

With all the dental tar and the irregular brushing into the picture, it seems ridiculous that people still abide by this myth.

People often say that dog mouths are cleaner than humans.

However, if we try to understand where this story comes from, the understanding becomes pretty interesting.

All dog owners must have seen their pet lick its wound when it hurt. This wound licking has also been associated with quick healing by most people.

This has thus led to the assumption that the saliva might have some magical healing power, and thus a dog’s mouth is clean and harmless.

However, the science goes on to affirm that quick healing is due to the removal of dead cells by the rough tongue of the dog.

So, in reality, your pet’s mouth is in no way cleaner than yours. 

It is surprising to know that the list of dog myths does not end here. You can go on an endless read if you decide to read about the myths that we hold about dogs.

As responsible dog lovers, we must keep ourselves in the right time and state of mind through updated knowledge.

Thus, these ten biggest dog myths help you get over all the misconceptions you have been carrying ahead when it comes to dogs.

It is time we sit down and reconsider certain so-called facts and make way for new information to slip in.

Discarding these dog myths will help us take better care of our dogs. Buckets full of happiness for you and your puppy friend will follow. 

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