Yorkie Dog Colors and Markings

The history of Yorkshire comes to form England around 130 years ago. Yorkshire Terriers aren’t usually your apartment dog.

This dog was created by a working man who wanted a dog to help him catch rats and mice. 

Yorkshires are “ratters,” and it’s useful for catching rats and mice. Yorkshire terriers are not an old breed, and it is believed that it came from Scotland.

Today Yorkshire Terrier is very popular not in catching mice, but it’s popular as a pet.

This amazing breed is loved by millions of people, especially in the United States. 

Complete List of All Recognized Coat Colors


Yorkshire terrier has a unique and very distinctive coat color. Unlike most breeds, a Yorkie’s coat can change as it goes to a certain life stage. 

Yorkshire Terrier puppies are usually blue with a tan coat that changes to gold and blue as they mature.

Their color is an important characteristic as it will make them easily recognized if they are purebred.

This dog breed comes in four color combinations, including black, gold, blue, and tan.

This color is the most common in the Yorkshire terrier breed. Other colors may appear, but it’s sporadic and hard to come by.

Here is the list of all Yorkie recognized coat colors. Keep reading below.

1. Black and Tan

Even after it matures, if you have a Black and tan Yorkie, it lacks the greying gene and has a more dominant black gene.

Typically, black coloring will appear on the torso, and the coloring will be on its face, legs, and chest.

There are many variations of this color combination. It differs from dog to dog. 

2. Blue and Gold

This color combination is the result of having a parent that has both dominant grey gene.

This color combination is gorgeous and can stand out compared to the black and tan Yorkie. But it depends on grooming.

If you want your dog to stand out among others, make sure you take them to the grooming station every once in a while.

3. Blue and Tan

Blue and gold Yorkies are the results of having two copies of the greying gene.

This color combination is the most common color found on almost adult Yorkshire terrier. Although this color is the most common, you can never deny its cuteness.

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4. Black and Gold

This color combination closely resembles the black and tan combination. It’s almost the same, but the nonblack areas tend to be much lighter than the black and tan Yorkshire terrier.

5. Partricolored 

This kind is mixed between blue, tan, and white; sometimes, you will also see chocolate in white.

This happens when white is the dominant color, and the rest is the predominant color.

Also, Partri Yorkie is the result of both parents have a recessive piebland gene.

6. Blue Born

There is much variety of color in this kind of breed. A Yorkie that is blue from birth is considered the worst color in this specific breed.

These dogs rarely survive not more than a year. Many dog lovers consider this an unworthy dog, One who thinks this way should not be called a dog lover. 


7. Chocolate

Chocolate Yorkies have a brown coat. It’s the result of the b allele, a recessive gene.

The full brown coating is very uncommon to Yorkies and is rare.

Pure breed chocolate Yorkshire terrier is very rare. There are also pure brown but are a product of mixed breeding. 

8. Red-Legged

Red-legged Yorkshire terrier can be traced way back to its parents and ancestors.

Any color combination can produce a red-legged Yorkie. Recessive genes inherited from their ancestors produces red legged Yorkies.

9. Black

There are pure-black Yorkies that exist. It’s the result of mixed breeding. It’s impossible to have a purebred back Yorkshire terrier.

However, it doesn’t mean that these dogs are as good as purebred Yorkies. They are quite the same in many ways.

What is the rarest color of Yorkie?


Yorkshire terriers are a great breed of dog. They are friendly and quite loyal to their owners.

This breed has a distinctive color combination, typically black and tan or blue or gold color.

However, there are rare pure colored, including gold or blonde Yorkie, and it’s very uncommon and rare.

Pure golden coat Yorkies are extremely rare and hard to come by. Almost all Yorkies are born with black and tan or blue and tan in their coat.

What makes golden Yorkies so rare is that All Yorkies have a strict coloration pattern and are usually born with black and tan color.

Their distinctive colors can easily be identified if they are pure breeds or not. Golden Yorkies are so rare that they stand out among other Yorkies. 

A purebred golden Yorkie is born with unique golden oat that is incredibly uncommon for this breed.

Pure colored Yorkies are said to have a certain recessive gene that is inherited from their ancestors or parents.

Many dog enthusiasts agree that this certain dog should not be bred. This dog is very uncommon to its breed and is extremely rare, which is why it’s hardly ever seen.

Golden Yorkies also have a bad reputation among specialists, but they still deserve to be loved just like any other dogs. 

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What is the most common color of a Yorkie?


Yorkies come In for colors and many distinctive color combinations. The most common and dominant color combination of a Yorkies is blue and gold or blue and tan.

Black coloration is a recessive color in the Yorkshire terrier. Almost 99% of Yorkshire puppies are born black and tan or gold and black and will change their color upon reaching their adult life stage.

Never the less this common color combination is beautiful as much as the other combinations do. 

What color Yorkie is the most expensive?

Make a bargain deal under $300 also spend almost a thousand; it depends on the Yorkies attributes.

Many factors can affect the price of this breed. One is its color combinations. In this kind of breed, the most common and popular is blue and tan.

There is no specific pricing in terms of color, but it does differ a little. You can have a Yorkie if you have $600 or more. 

Why is Yorkshire Terrier so Unique?

Why does this breed so unique and popular? Yorkshire Terries are small in size but has a big personality.

This kind of breed is the most popular in the United States. This tiny creature has won my heart with their cuteness and personality.

Yorkshire terrier is the most popular among the purebreds. If your thinking of getting one, they require a bit of maintenance, especially in dental care.

This breed is very playful and will never be a dull moment if you’re with them. Also, they love attention, so if you have time, you should play with them.

What makes this breed so popular is that they are purebreds and have distinctive color combinations that are rather beautiful.

Yorkshire puppies are born with black and tan, which will change when they reach a specific age. 

What Color Does a Yorkshire Terrier Change to? 


This breed will change its colors when they progress to maturity. Yorkshire terrier doesn’t have a drastic color change.

Most puppies will have more gold or tan coloring than black. Saying an adult, Yorkshire Terrier is much lighter than a puppy. The black coloration will turn to blue, blackish color. 

However, some Yorkshire Terrier can have a dark steel blue color or a shiny silver.

There are rare cases where puppies will turn to Red-legged Yorkshire Terrier.

This kind of coloration can be traced to its parents and ancestors. It’s a result of a recessively inherited gene from their ancestors. 

At what age does a Yorkshire Terrier Change colors?

There is no exact answer because it varies from dog to dog.

However, a Yorkshire Terrier will begin the color-changing process at the age of 6 months.

This makes Yorkshire Terrier so unique and different from other breeds. Once the dog reaches a certain stage, the adult coloring will be in place.

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This process can take up to 2-3 years. It varies from dog to dog. 

How to Tell a Purebred Yorkie?

You can easily tell a Yorkie if it is purebred by looking at its coat coloring. Purebred Yorkies have very distinctive coat coloration.

Their genes also cause coat color change from black to blue. According to American Kennel Club (AKC), a puppy with a black and tan coat at birth indicates that they are pure breed.

The AKC recognizes 5 Yorkie color combinations, including black and gold, black and tan, blue and tan, blue and gold, and the newly registered particolored Yorkshire Terrier.

Other color combinations or other pure single-colored are just a product of mix breeding.

The single colored Yorkies are rare and uncommon and not a purebred Yorkshire terrier.

Nonetheless, whether a purebred or mix bred, single-colored, or color combination, this dog is meant to be loved and should be treated equally. 


Yorkshire Terrier is Good Family Dog

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular dogs globally, especially in the United States. This breed is small and is loyal to its master.

There are a few different Yorkies types to choose from. Yorkies can live up to fifteen years if properly taken care of, and this dog requires high maintenance as this breed have many health issues.

Yorkies are classified as a toy dog class; they are typically 6-7 inches in height and weighs approximately 7 pounds or a little more. 

Many people today own this type of breed. They have a glossy coat and silky in texture.

The hair on its body is moderately long and straight. Yorkshire Terrier has distinct color combinations. Puppies are born black and tan this changes as they grow older. 

Beware of Rare Colored Yorkies

Yorkies have distinctive color combinations. You can easily tell a Yorkie if it is a purebred.

Today, there are many breeders from professional to backyard breeders, and some are a scam.

Do not be fooled by breeders who are selling rare colored Yorkies. Of course, who doesn’t want a rare Yorkie? But did you know that this is just a scam? 

There are limited data about purebred Yorkies that have one color on their coat. However, Golden Yorkies is an exception.

Most rare colored Yorkies are the result of mixed breeding. The backyard and irresponsible breeders breed this kind of Yorkie.

Unfortunately, the popularity of this breed gave some way to some scam artist. 

Bottom Line

Although the mix-breed have a bad rep, they are just the same dog as the purebred Yorkie.

Regardless of the coat color, they are the same; thus, they deserve to be loved and treated equally.

But remember that you want to make sure you have the right knowledge to help you take care of your Yorkshire Terrier before you buy a Yorkie.

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