Red Cantonese Bear Dog | Images, Temperament and Information

In 2016, a picture of a dog with a red coat and its owner that was posted to social media quickly went viral, and this was the first time anyone in the world had heard of this legendary dog.

The dog’s owner claimed that he had adopted the animal from a Guangzhou resident and that it was now his pet. This picture was taken in a terminal at a major airport. It’s possible that a red Cantonese bear dog photo you’ve seen was doctored.

If you’ve seen a picture of a red Cantonese bear dog, you might have thought it was photoshopped. Numerous images of what are purported to be red Cantonese bear dogs can be found on the internet. These pictures make the purported dogs look so lifelike that it is difficult to believe they are fake.

Since then, tales about this dog breed have begun to appear all over the internet, particularly on Twitter. People assert they have witnessed it while strolling through parks or at home with their families. People claim to have seen them in real life in several videos posted to YouTube.

There is no such thing as a red Cantonese bear dog, which is a great disappointment for all of us who adore dogs and would do anything to get our hands on one of these stunning creatures. 

What Is A Cantonese Red Bear Dog?


There isn’t much information readily available online about the Red Cantonese Bear Dog puppy, so any attempt to define the breed would require extensive research. Simply put, there isn’t much information about them on any websites considered reliable sources. 

This includes the website of the American Kennel Club, as well as the websites of other kennel clubs, veterinary blogs, and so on. The Red Cantonese Bear Dog is in a league compared to the other typical resources that one would consult to gain additional knowledge about an intriguing new dog breed that one has never heard of before.

Information about these breeds of dogs has come mainly from social media and pet-related blogs, which all appear to be spreading the same information repeatedly, down to the same grainy images.

Some of these sources describe the bear dog as having a sturdy build and a size that falls somewhere in the middle of a medium and a large for a rare breed.

They have bushy tail to go along with their thick coat that is red in color. The Red Cantonese Bear Dog is an intelligent and active breed that makes an excellent watchdog due to its conservative nature. 

Its coat is long and straight, and it has a color that is between reddish-orange and orange. There is a common belief that adult dogs can reach a maximum height of approximately 32 inches (81 cm) and have a life expectancy of 11 to 12 years.

Similarly to a husky or Shiba Inu, the ears of a Red Cantonese Bear Dog stand up and are covered in a short, fluffy coat. Although there are exceptions, most Red Cantonese Bear Dogs have pink noses, paws, and golden eyes.

Cantonese Bear Dogs have straight ears that may have a slight fold to them and fluffy, brush-like tails that flop up over the back. Variations in anatomy and physiology are expected in any dog breed, especially in relatively recent ones.

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Where Did The Red Cantonese Bear Dog Originate From?


It would appear that they originated in China, specifically in the region surrounding the city of Guangzhou, which is located within the province of Guangdong. The Cantonese variety of the Chinese language is widely spoken in this province; consequently, the dog breed was given the name Cantonese Bear Dog to reflect this linguistic proximity.

People also call it by a variety of other names from time to time, such as the Hong Kong Mastiff, Cantonese Mastiff, or Chinese Red Dog. Multiple people have come forward to claim that they are breeders of Cantonese Bear Dogs ever since their pictures began receiving significant traction on the internet.

If these dogs were that cute, you would think someone would have told us about them by now, wouldn’t you agree? China is the birthplace of several dog breeds that are already well-known worldwide; therefore, the question arises: how did we fail to recognize this one?

When Did The Cantonese Red Bear Dog First Appear?

In 2016, a picture of a man holding a fluffy red dog that had been taken at the Hong Kong airport made its way onto the internet for the first time. The man was holding the supposed Red Cantonese Bear dog in the picture.

This photograph was the spark that ignited a firestorm of half-baked facts, rumors, and photoshopped images that spread like wildfire across the internet, fueling the virality of the so-called “breed.” It would appear that, despite the passage of time, people are still debating whether or not it is a fake or a genuine artifact.

Why Is The Red Cantonese Bear Dog A Myth?

Several arguments support the conclusion that a Red Cantonese bear dog is a hoax.

1. Inability To Locate Any Scientific References

To begin, no single reference in the scientific literature mentions this “new” species. The only thing that has been written about it and posted on the internet is an article written by a person who claims to be a dog lover

In the article, the author states that it appears to be a typical black bear dog with red fur. This individual has not been identified, nor has any documentation or photographs been made public; instead, only an article that asserts this new species exists has been made available.

2. There Was No Result Found On Wikipedia

Second, this dog breed does not even have any mention of it anywhere on the Wikipedia website, let alone a page dedicated to it. There is a page on Wikipedia dedicated to every conceivable breed of dog. On the other hand, the Cantonese red bear dog does not have any listing dedicated to it. 

You won’t find any mention of it anywhere else on the internet, even if you search through every reference listed on the Wikipedia page. This leads us to believe that the red Cantonese bear dog does not exist and that someone is spreading false information about it to gain followers on social media.

3. There Is No Information Contained In The AKC

As far as we can tell, there is no Red Cantonese bear dog breed registered with the AKC. People who want the American Kennel Club to recognize their dog as a club member can add their dog’s information to this registry. 

If the Red Cantonese bear dog were a real breed, it would be included in their registry and in registries run by other organizations, such as the United Kennel Club and the Canadian Kennel Club.

4. There Is Currently No Option For Genetic Testing

The Red Cantonese bear dog does not have access to genetic testing now. It is critical to have a solid understanding of the dissimilarities between genetic testing and DNA testing.

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DNA testing can trace a dog’s ancestry as far back as 15 generations, while genetic testing is used to determine a dog’s breed or breed mix. Both types of testing are used to determine whether or not a dog is purebred.

There are currently no genetic tests that can be performed on red canton bears, so it is impossible to determine whether or not they are real. Many tales circulate about these dogs having been discovered in China; however, no one has ever witnessed one of them.

Whether or not you buy into the existence of such canine hybrids, it is important to remember that a purebred dog must have at least one parent from each breed in order to be recognized as such. Purebred animals are included in this category. 

How To Identify A Fake Dog Breed?


Unfortunately, it is relatively straightforward for unethical breeders to mislead their customers. Many people breed dogs in their backyards or puppy mills, and they make enormous profits from the sale of unregulated breeds. 

People don’t have to wait long before looking for a new breed after it has been “discovered” or “created.” But how can you identify an actual existing breed from a hoax? The following are a few pointers that will assist you in distinguishing legitimate dog breeders and dogs from those that are not.

1. Check With The AKC

The American Kennel Club maintains a database of dog breeds, and any breeder who asserts that the dogs they produce are “purebred” will have their dogs’ breeds included in that database. The American Kennel Club (AKC) also provides resources that can assist you in locating trustworthy breeders.

2. Inquire About The Dog’s Family And Try To Meet The Parents 

If the parents are in the breeder’s possession, a reputable breeder will not hesitate to facilitate your meeting with them. In most cases, breeders will own their female dogs and hire sire dogs that are a genetically compatible match for their own dog’s ancestry to produce offspring.

You should be able to view at least one of the parents, as this will give you a better idea of the breeder’s commitment to using high-quality genetics in their animals.

3. Inquire To See The Evidence Of Genetic Testing

To determine whether or not a specific canine pair is suitable for reproduction, qualified and ethical breeders will subject the dogs to exhaustive genetic testing. Someone with something to hide is more likely to be reluctant to show you this, unlike trustworthy breeders, who will have no problem showing it to you.

4. You Should Consider Google A Trusted Ally

If you aren’t immediately familiar with a dog breed and what it should look like, it’s time to turn to Google for help. Even though there is bound to be some variation within a species, most dogs should all fall within the same phenotypic range.

If the dogs from the breeder in question don’t look like the breed they claim to be, then you’re probably not dealing with a legitimate breeder.

Where Can I Find More Red Dogs For Adoption?


There are plenty of other red dog breeds to consider if you’re set on owning one but are wary of the Red Cantonese Bear Dog’s controversial history. In reality, both purebred and mixed-breed dogs can come in a range of red colors.

These are examples of dog breeds that have been around for a significant amount of time and have a documented breeding history.

1. Red Poodles

There’s no need to explain the meteoric rise in popularity of red Poodles in recent years; one look at these beautiful dogs, and it’s clear why they’re so in demand. Their cuteness knows no bounds. 

The Poodle is a good choice for adopting if you have allergies but still want a dog. Poodles are known for being hypoallergenic, so if this is important to you, it is something you should look into.

2. Red Doberman Pinschers

Because the traditional color scheme of a black and tan Doberman is so instantly recognizable, we often overlook that this breed can also come in various colors. Doberman Pinschers come in multiple colors, but the red one is incredibly stunning.

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3. The Red Corgis

This toy dog breed is popular worldwide, and while they most commonly appear in black, they can also be found in red. Pembroke and Cardigan Corgis can have red coats, but the American Kennel Club does not always consider these dogs to be of breed-standard quality. 

4. Red Shih Tzus

There aren’t many breeds in the world that can compete with the Shih Tzu regarding the wide range of colors available. Despite this, the stunning red-coated Shih Tzu is a variant that stands out among all their other colors as beautiful and distinctive.

5. Red Golden Retrievers

In contrast to the Red Cantonese Bear Dog, they are undeniably authentic, and you can verify your claims by looking them up in various trustworthy sources. However, to acquire a Golden of this particular type, which is extremely difficult to do, you will need to locate the breeders in the region with the best reputation. 

6. Red Pomeranians

Another breed of dog well-liked by a diverse group of pet parents is the Pomeranian (Pom). Because of their flexibility and playful nature, they make excellent pets for people living alone and for households with children.

Although Red Pomeranians appear to be more of a combination of orange and red than anything else, it is still an adorable dog.

Do Bear Dogs Exist?


Bear dogs are specialized hunting dogs developed solely to track and kill bears. Since the early 1900s, people in China have used these large dogs with thick coats to hunt bears. 

Since then, hunting bears in China has become increasingly popular. This breed of dog is believed to have originated in China and to be one of the oldest. There are a few different breeds of bear dogs, but there is no such thing as a Red Cantonese bear dog.

We mustn’t lose sight of the fact that there are genuine Bear Dogs worldwide, especially in light of all the controversy surrounding the Red Cantonese Bear Dog.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has acknowledged the Karelian Bear Dog as a Foundation Stock Service breed group member. There is a long history behind this breed.

The average lifespan of these spitz-type dogs is between 11 and 13 years, and they can weigh up to 50 pounds (22.7 kg), stand as tall as 23 inches (58.4 cm), and have a weight as low as 23 pounds (13.5 kg).

They are renowned for their unwavering devotion to their owners and incredible bravery, which enable them to excel as both hunting dogs and watchdogs. In this regard, they share some characteristics with other traditional guard dogs like Shar-Peis and German Shepherds.

They are regarded extremely highly and showered with affection in their home nation of Finland, where they are practically regarded as a national treasure. 

They immediately form strong bonds with their owners but are sociable enough to get along with other people, dogs, and even different animals.


If you have been looking for information regarding this breed, you have probably come across many people who have stated that they have either never heard of it or never seen a Red Cantonese Bear before. 

Other than a few blurry photographs uploaded to the internet by individuals willing to sell you one of each for the price of $1500, there is no evidence to suggest that this breed exists.

As a result of the prevalence of false information on the internet, it can be challenging for some people to differentiate between genuine and fabricated content.

Data on the red Cantonese bear dog are scarce and highly questionable at this time. Only a few sites, none affiliated with reputable organizations like the AKC, feature blogs or features on this breed.